History dates the use of cozies as far back as 1600 but really taking part of the tea experience in the 1800’s with the advent of afternoon tea. The use of the cozy is an integral part of enjoying tea. The tea must be kept hot and fresh.
I love using a cozy – it helps to set the mood for tea. Whether in the morning with a fresh warm scone, during afternoon tea, or in the evening as I settle in for an sweet evening of repose, a cozy keeps my tea perfect for me. The tea is steeping in preparation for service and I place the selected cozy over the pot anticipating that first sip.

I am blessed to own several cozies but more importantly, these cozies have been made by my sister. They are beautiful, fluffy and add a sweet hug to my teapots. The inside of the cozies are as beautiful as the outside.
And believe me, they keep the pot very warm!
Click on one of these images and enjoy the beauty of these cozies.
One Comment
Wow! So beautiful!!