• Memories,  Uncategorized

    I love the fall….

    I love the fall. It is absolutely my favorite time of year. The crispness in the air, the smells of the season, windows open and seeing the leaves change. It signals the harvest, the time where the hard work of spring and summer would bring in the bounty. I was raised in the mid-west and though I have never lived on a farm, I saw many years of autumn harvests. The golden glow of the fields on the horizon ready to be harvested still generate feelings of gratefulness and blessings. I love the fall….can you smell the nutmeg from the pumpkin bread? Its fresh from the oven – let me serve you a slice.

  • Memories,  Uncategorized

    My first tea

    When I was very young, I remember having tea with my grandmother. Nothing fancy or extravagant. I favored milk and sugar in the tea and I thought it was very grand.

    I would go on to have tea parties with my imaginary friends in particular Transistor Bear, who by the way was my constant companion for many years. My mother would gift me with my very own tea set, which I still have to this day. Juice and water would be the beverages of choice, accompanied by animal crackers and vanilla wafers.

    As an adult, my sister would introduce me to my first tea room. I was amazed at the presentation and as a gift, we would select a tea cup to take with us. It would be these moments that would foster a lifelong enjoyment with all things tea.

  • About me...,  Uncategorized


    There are few hours in life more agreeable than the hour dedicated to the ceremony known as afternoon tea.
    -Henry James

    Welcome and let me introduce myself. My name is Beth and I am an avid lover of all things tea. I began this journey as a young girl, having tea with my grandmother. As I grew, this enjoyment was fostered. I began to collect tea cups and went to tea rooms, experiencing all the activities surrounding afternoon tea. For some time I have had teas in my home, taking great joy in the planning and preparation but mostly in the serving, introducing many to the delight of being lavished through the enjoyment of tea. For me, for my family, and for my guests it has allowed us to take a moment and pause, to reflect and enjoy one another while casting our cares at the door. I have been blessed to have two sisters who are cut from the same cloth and truly enjoy all things tea.

    I now find myself at a point where I want to share and invite conversations about the joys of having tea. Always looking for that new tea room, going back to those that been our first, or introducing new friends, family and grand-daughters to this art. There are many of us out there and so I invite you to share your stories, your adventures and your delights.

    So please join me as I ask “one lump or two”.

    Would love to connect about this site….what you like….what you would like to see….what you have experienced….what makes tea a delight for you.

    I look forward to hearing from you. Feel free to leave a comment or contact me at Teastheseasoncontact@gmail.com